Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Family Circus Kind of Day

The past couple of weeks have eerily reminded of the comic strip Family Circus. I know we all remember it. It was the comic that followed a family, (I am always one to point out the obvious) a dad, mom, 2 boys and a girl, through their day to day lives. It was filled with funny little thoughts or things that were said.

It also had 2 recurring characters that I didn’t understand at the time, but now have seen come to life in my own realm. It’s been a little weird. Do you remember, “Not me,” and “Ida Know?” They were the ghosts that would do all the wrong things. Inevitably the mom or dad would ask the kids how something happened, who broke what, or whatever, and the kids would respond, “Ida Know,” or “Not me.”

This was personified in my son and you probably have read my entry about the Pee Bandit. I am glad that the culprit wasn’t a ghost, and thankfully, Jack has been doing better about not peeing on the floor too. Other examples of these friendly ghosts pop up all the time too whether it’s: Mysterious crayon on the walls/doors/carpeting/furniture, cushions thrown off of the furniture and onto the floor, milk spilled on the kitchen table, a handprint of purple paint on the wall heading up the stairs, all of the drawers on both dressers being wide open and every bit of clothing on the floor, or finally “Who tooted?”

Other examples of Family Circus have popped up too. Take for instance this illustration. Does it look familiar?

That is Jack, he may go by Jeffery or Billy in the comic, but that is definitely my son.

I spent about 20 minutes perusing the internet looking up different Family Circus comics that were posted online and found that almost all of them made a lot more sense now that I am a parent. I only hope that one day; I will be able to make sense of my children.

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