Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Super Sleuth

Today has been an interesting day to say the least. I woke up with a migraine; made waffles for breakfast (for Lucy and Jack); got Lucy off to school, spoke with my Mom on the phone (a daily occurrence); had a friend over for more waffles; and then played super sleuth.

“Super Sleuth,” you ask? Yes, super sleuth. It all started about 2 weeks ago. We had been in our new house for about 2 weeks and noticed that for some reason, our bathroom already smelled like urine. Other than the smell being totally gross, we disinfected the floor and solved the problem. No more smell. Well, last week, the smell was back.

Occasionally, we would notice puddles on the floor in the general toilet area, but neither kid would admit that they missed the pot. So we would snag a towel, wipe it up, then disinfect it (the floor and towel). This morning, while I am eating waffles with Andy, Jack has to go potty. So he runs up the stairs, and then 30 seconds later he is sliding back down them, without flushing or washing his hands; oh, and without shorts or underwear. I got clothes back on Jack before he hit the bottom step and all was good, or so I thought.

After Andy left, I had to use the facilities, so upstairs I head; get to the door and lo and behold, but what do I see, a big golden puddle. Evidentially the Pee Bandit had struck again. So now, I have to clean and disinfect the floor before I can use the facilities. Arghh!

This afternoon, while I was attempting to write a totally different entry, I hear Jack come bounding up the stairs. Then I hear the distinct noise of water dripping on the floor. I'm thinking, "Yes, the Pee Bandit. I can finally catch him in the act." By the time I make it into the bathroom, Jack is standing by the toilet, shorts around his ankles, surrounded by urine that has made a line from the top of the stairs, across the carpeting, into the bathroom and gathered into a puddle the size of Lake Superior.

“Jack, did you pee on the floor?” “It wasn’t me, Daddy. I didn’t do it.” “Jack, it’s only you and Daddy that are home and Daddy didn’t make this mess. Did you do it?” “Yes, Daddy, I sorry.” “That’s ok, Bumby, just get all of your pee in the potty next time, ok?” “Ok, Daddy.”

Pee Bandit mystery solved. Now, if only I could solve how to get him further than the top of the stairs before he starts whizzing.

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