Monday, October 13, 2008

The Fundamentals of TV Are Not Solid

This morning, I was unceremoniously booted from using the computer by Jack. I typically don’t have an issue with this, but today is Monday, which means that all of the weekend sports analysts will have their articles posted online. I was just sitting down and getting ready to read “Monday Morning Quarterback,” by Peter King on He’s a great writer and covers lots of different angles, brings out good story lines, and by in large, a throw back reporter that still knows how to report and not create stories. Needless to say, I was very excited about reading his latest installment.

It just wasn’t in the cards today. Jack wanted cuddle time. Then Jack wanted wiggle time. Followed by tickle time, then by him asking, “Is it my turn on the ‘puter?” “No, Jack. It’s still Daddy’s turn. When I am finished, then you can play Diego.” 30 seconds more of squirming and worming on my lap, and I was more than ready to just relinquish control of the mouse. I was done. Jack had won. I was relegated to the first floor of our house, where I could do 1 of 2 things. I could either do housework, umm, NO; or I could try to find something to watch on TV. I settled for the latter.

It didn’t take me long to realize that 9 AM is not a prime time for watching television. I was stuck either watching the last hour of the Today Show, Regis and Kelly, Dr.’s, Jerry Springer, or court TV. Ouch! What a brutal selection. Regis was out of the studio today so there was a guest host, Randy Jackson from American Idol fame. After 10 seconds of the Dog and Blondie show, I knew it wasn’t for me.

I started to surf again. Still, the same old crap to choose from, and nothing was sticking. On the off chance, I tried a local station, that during the afternoon often runs an old Roy Rogers flick, and came across another Court TV show, Eye for an Eye. The judge is a snarky, arrogant guy and “presides with a baseball bat rather than a gavel.” What ensued was just pure pandemonium. I have no idea what the case was about, and I doubt the judge did either, because when he asked the first witness why they were there today, he climbed out of his cage and started to get into a physical confrontation with the defendant. After several attempts to gain control of the courtroom, the judge finally said, “I have no clue what this case is about, and from the looks of it, neither of you care. So, if you want to fight, then go fight. I order you to a boxing match. Winner gets $300.”

Both guys, way over weight and out of shape proceeded to box? and dodge one another for 3 rounds. Oh, did I mention that the commentator during all of this was Kato Kaelin? It was obnoxious at best, and totally unwatchable.

Is watching these types of shows how we feel better about ourselves? “Yeah, I’m messed up, but I am not as messed up as they are, so I have to be doing alright.” In the movie, Fighclub, the main character attends support groups, not because he needs them, but so he feels something. Is this what we are left with? Watching other people’s lives unravel before our eyes and choosing a side?

And honestly, is watching this doing anyone a bit of good? Can we say that we are better for watching a show that airs the depravity of man? No solutions are ever given. No remorse is ever shown, and it just continues to show the steady moral decline of a civilization and world. When will we see something creative and constructive instead of blatant escapism and depravity?

I know that in a world full of injustices and hardships that we see and hear about everyday, many people are crying out and seeking justice. There is a reason that Law and Order has been on for over a decade and that the CSI’s are so popular. Everything is nice and neat and a crime is solved in 1 hour. Wouldn’t it be nice if real life were like that? Crisis averted, humanity saved, and justice served. I just wish I didn’t have to watch “justice” being served on countless channels and witness it pandering to a crowd rather than to a legitimate court.

1 comment:

beckyandsteve said...

You should give up your TV. Not only will you find your life enriched by its absence, you'll also find a special self esteem boost by being able to say, "Oh, sorry. I don't have a TV, so I don't know what show you're talking about."

See how that makes me morally superior to you? Be TV free and play with the big boys, Brad.