Wednesday, October 8, 2008


It’s been weird. For a little over a year, I have been a stay at home dad, taking care of Lucy (5) and Jack (3). Last year Lucy was in pre-school in the afternoon from 12-3. Jack would typically fall asleep for his nap on the way there or the way home, so I would have about 1 hour to myself. Well, in April, Jack decided he was done with naps, so I no longer had that free time.

Now, Lucy is in kindergarten from 8-3, so it is just Jack and I all day. It has been really good. If you ask his mom, she would tell you that he is very much a daddy’s boy right now. He wants to be with me all the time. In fact, the other day I was heading upstairs to go to the restroom. Jack says, “Daddy, where you going?” “I’m going to the bathroom, Jack.” “To go pee?” “Yes, Jack, to go pee.” “Can I go pee with you because that would be really awesome?” Honestly, how can you say no to that? In sharing this story with friends, most of which don’t have children, I got a lot of weird looks and long pauses in the conversation. Yeah, I suppose it would be weird too, but being a parent introduces you to new weird things everyday.

While I am typically able to accomplish a lot more during the day because of only having 1 kid at home, it has been weird too. I miss my daughter. She has grown up so much in the last month of school. She is doing really well and will most likely be bumped up a grade level for reading. Our biggest concern about her being too emotional or easily hurt hasn’t been realized yet. She hasn’t had any issues and has made lots of new friends. Now if we can just keep her from getting head lice, we will be great!

Today is laundry day. “Wednesday, wash day,” is what the kids and I call it. It’s a rainy day, so I suppose doing laundry is as good as anything. Besides, with a little helper like Jack, who likes to use his dozers (his hands) to push the wet clothes into the drier, how can doing laundry be anything but good?

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